Recent victories

victoriesfeb Mar 07, 2025

Here are just a handful of victory stories and testimonials from the past couple of weeks:


Click Here to Join the Membership at 50% off


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test ken

Uncategorized Mar 20, 2024

testing what a video in a blog looks like

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Wow, 6 years !

I love the holiday season. 

I love the lights, the music, the traditions, the holy reflections, and the FOOD! 

However, what I like most is the desire to connect with people you care about. 

It’s built into us this time of year to seek out time to converse, reflect, and talk about life with those we hold closest to our hearts.

Last week, I met with one of my closest friends for coffee and I was reflecting on the fact that the MS Gym has been around for 6 years… Wow, 6 years, that’s the longest I have owned and ran any of my successful medical exercise practices. 

My buddy, who also has an entrepreneurial heart, asked me, “Do you ever think about doing something else or starting something new?”

After a reflective pause I smiled and said, “No.I may expand what we offer in The MS Gym, but honestly, we are just getting started.”

Seeing the familiar gleam of creative vision in my eye, he smiled back and asked, “What do you mean? What is keeping you so committed, inspired, and excited...

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Magic Legs

September 14th, 2023

THROWBACK THURSDAY: This blog article was originally written on World MS Day 2022

I have slightly edited it but left most of it as is.

I hope it provides you with some inspiration and self reflection in your own life no matter where you're at in your journey.


Despite what some of you may think about my energy on video ( some people love it others sometime think I talk too loud) it's always coming from a place of passion and it does not always come naturally to me, I have my moments just like everyone else where I feel down and need to find ways to lift my energy.

Besides a great exercise workout, one of my favorite ways to get inspired to create meaningful motivational videos is to listen to music or watch underdog or comeback movies.

Nothing is more powerful to me than following a main character or cast of characters chasing after their dreams and persevering despite being met by adversity, setback...

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Recent victories

testimonials victory Jul 10, 2023

July 10th, 2023

Here is a handful of our victory stories/ testimonials over the past 4-6 weeks:


This is just a handful of recent testimonials !!!

We believe it's important for you to know there are others ( thousands)  out there who have had positive experiences with the MS GYM

Hopefully it makes you more feel more comfortable going ahead with a purchase with us.



PS We currently have a summer promo on our Symptom Solutions program


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I was in tears

June 6th, 2023

What’s up Gymmers!

It’s a Tuesday  morning and I am in Boulder, Colorado for a chiropratic appointment. I got up early so I could do some work in an awesome coffee shop before my adjustment.

As I sit here gazing at the awesome view of the Flatiron Mountains I explored throughout my childhood, I m reflecting on the busy but AMAZING week I had last week.

On Tuesday I spoke at a summit for MS Views & News, on Thursday, I met with my chiropractor and functional dentist to discuss a really cool research opportunity for helping people with MS, and on Friday, I ran an exhibit table at the Can Do Multiple Sclerosis Patient summit at the annual meeting for the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers.

 Yup… I was a busy boy.

During those events, I had the opportunity to present about what we do in The MS Gym, hang out with some MS Gymmers, connect with people who are not Gymmers yet, and collaborate with neurologists, PT’s, OT’s, psychologists, pharm reps, social media inf...

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Real people, Real results

Uncategorized Feb 14, 2023


Real people, Real results !

Our success is based on real people getting real results. thousands of lives improved over the years. Check out a handful of our recent 2023 victories and testimonials.


MORE Neurologists recommending The MS GYM :


Click Here for a 30 Day Trial of Our Membership Program

Click here to see more testimonials


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Presentation at Cornell

If you're deciding n whether to invest the time to watch the recording of my recent presentation, I wanted to share some of the comments/testimonials that have already common. this is just a small sampling:

Your time is valuable so I wanted you to see what others had to say before investing the time to watch.

I also received incredible testimonials from several medical professionals who were in attendance at Cornell or watched virtually. 

The MS Gym is starting to get recognized by top medical professionals and institutions which is a big part of our success.

You can watch the presentation here: Watch Here



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Magic Legs 2

JUNE 29th, 2023

THROWBACK THURSDAY: This blog article was originally written on World MS Day 2022

I have slightly edited it but left most of it as is.

I hope it provides you with some inspiration and self reflection in your own life no matter where you're at in your journey.


Despite what some of you may think about my energy on video ( some people love it others sometime think I talk too loud) it's always coming form a place of passion and it does not always come naturally to me, I have my moments just like everyone else where I feel down and need to find ways to lift my energy.

Besides a great exercise workout, one of my favorite ways to get inspired to create meaningful motivational videos is to listen to music or watch underdog or comeback movies.

Nothing is more powerful to me than following a main character or cast of characters chasing after their dreams and persevering despite being met by adversity, setbacks, lo...

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WHY you doing this again ?

casestudy victory Aug 02, 2022

( continued from email )

It has been really fun to watch Michael progress through the MS Gym programs, ASK FOR HELP from his fellow MS Gym members and moderator team who have gone through the exercise programs, and APPLY the guidance he received. 

Here is a summary of MICHAEL’S program progression, and his posted questions to the members only corner that led him to success: 


He began his healing journey with the program called BGB BOOT CAMP. This program focuses on improving joint mobility in Key joints needed for movement, deep core strengthening, upper and lower body mobility strength, and neurologic integration in the brain. 



 Phase 2: RECONNECT 

Michael built on his progress using our seated and supine strength training and mobility program designed to re-activate the muscles needed to sit taller, stand up, and walk with restored balance. 



Phase 3: BGB STRONG 

Michael’s series of victories started happening because his brain le...

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