I was in tears

June 6th, 2023

What’s up Gymmers!

It’s a Tuesday  morning and I am in Boulder, Colorado for a chiropratic appointment. I got up early so I could do some work in an awesome coffee shop before my adjustment.

As I sit here gazing at the awesome view of the Flatiron Mountains I explored throughout my childhood, I m reflecting on the busy but AMAZING week I had last week.

On Tuesday I spoke at a summit for MS Views & News, on Thursday, I met with my chiropractor and functional dentist to discuss a really cool research opportunity for helping people with MS, and on Friday, I ran an exhibit table at the Can Do Multiple Sclerosis Patient summit at the annual meeting for the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers.

 Yup… I was a busy boy.

During those events, I had the opportunity to present about what we do in The MS Gym, hang out with some MS Gymmers, connect with people who are not Gymmers yet, and collaborate with neurologists, PT’s, OT’s, psychologists, pharm reps, social media influencers, and community administrators.

I had so many insightful conversations about new treatments, new organizations, and current treatments for managing symptoms.


What I was most impacted by was the OVERWHELMING & EXCITING emphasis on three things:

  1. You must educate yourself so you can be your BEST ADVOCATE
  2. The best patient outcomes are being seen in those who use a MULTI-DISIPLINARY team of specialists.

 So let’s dive a bit deeper into these exciting patient outcomes.


Every specialist on the stage encouraged the audience to GET EDUCATED and stay informed on the resources available to you. They repeatedly suggested that you find and follow specialists who explain MS, provide doable ways for you to manage your MS, and who are EXCITED to work with and see you improve. They recommended finding specialists who want to educate you, empower you to advocate for yourself when you attend your medical appointments, and partner with you in DIRECTING YOUR CARE.

There was a strong push for medical providers to give more power to their patients, listen to what is working for their patients, and pursue integrated treatment approaches according to what is working versus pushing their “professional” opinions.

One statement I heard repeatedly: “If your doctor isn’t working FOR you, fire them and find some one who will work WITH you.” – SO GOOD!!!!!

 KEY TAKEAWAY: Be a student of your MS journey. Explore the treatment options available to you and find specialists who want to participate IN your journey instead of imposing their protocols on you.


 There is not one way, one road, one expert, one treatment that is going to provide ALL the results you are seeking. Managing and counteracting MS is a multi-layered approach. Therefore, the best patient outcomes are coming from those who use create a TEAM of MS specialists to direct DMT’s, mental health, community support, education, and nutrition.

 It was exciting and inspiring to hear doctors and therapists passionately advocating for communication between specialists and declaring the need for a global, inter-disciplinary network of MS experts who communicate with each other in order to provide the best care for their patients.

There was so much compassion, concern, and love coming from those stages. I found myself emotional and a bit teary-eyed as I listened. I had many moments where I felt like I had found “my tribe” of specialists to collaborate with so I can serve my Gymmers at the HIGHEST LEVEL POSSIBLE.

 Key Takeaway: There are specialists in the medical field that are FOR YOU not against you. We have all had awful experiences with physicians and therapists. Please know that there are people who WANT YOU TO GET BETTER and receive that the painful medical experiences can effectively be used to better recognize, discern, and choose the RIGHT people to entrust with your care.

So…. Wanna know what one modality EVERY medical provider said is a MUST HAVE in your treatment plan… guess…

Yup, you’re right: MOVEMENT


Not just “exercise” but MOVEMENT.

Movement is defined as all intentional, functional, and purposeful activity used to live your life with less disruption and counteract your MS symptoms.

You need to practice movement that will help you improve the things you want to do better, otherwise it is a waste of time.

- Movement preserves your strength, balance, and mobility.

- Movement reduces spasticity, fatigue, pain, and progression.

- Movement prevents more medical issues and “age related” diseases not related to MS.

-Movement activates your brain, fuels your brain, and protects brain cells.

- Movement reduces brain and spinal cord inflammation.

- Movement improves mental cognition and is an effective treatment against depression and anxiety.

Enough said. Movement is Medicine, it will improve the quality of your life and give you freedom and relief.

Key Takeaway: Use it (your Central Nervous System) or Lose it (and allow MS to win).

-As a follower of the MS Gym, you should be nodding in agreement right now.

-As a follower of the MS Gym, you should be hopeful that the medical industry is on your team.

-As a follower of the MS Gym, you should be fired up in agreement with how powerful movement is.

-As a follower of the MS Gym, I am telling you, YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE.

-As a follower of the MS Gym, I am letting you know, YOU CAN GET BETTER.

After last week, I am more on fire than ever to spread the good news about the programs, community, and hope of the MS Gym… let’s GO!

We have all the movement programming you need. We have the expertise you are seeking. We passionately educate our Gymmers to be their own best advocates. We are constantly seeking to collaborate with the like-minded experts in the medical field.

 The MS Gym is here, working, learning, serving, loving, and breathing so we can HELP YOU.

 The time is now. The momentum is in your favor. Your healing path is available.

 What you need now is to DECIDE that you will be an author in your story, the driver of your present, and a designer of your future.

 My job is to provide you with the right resources and guide you along the way.

 Thank you for allowing me to do life alongside you.

 I believe in you !

 - Coach Trevor


Whenever you're ready to dive in deeper and incorporate more Neuro Based movement in your life I encourage you to continue exploring our free resources on YouTube or any social media channel ( we share videos on FB, Insta and Twitter )

Or if you want more structure then consider investing in one of our programs.

Here are a few options for you to get more structure and momentum:

Option 1) If you're looking for short targeted symptom and body part exercises that you can do in 5 -10 minutes a day ( plus a no brainer price) and start counteracting symptoms than check out SYMPTOM SOLUTIONS

Option 2) If you're ready for a bigger commitment ( working out with me for 30-40 minute full body circuits ) then you should consider our membership program. Click here to try our membership program

Option 3) How about a DEEP DIVe intimate immersive workshop with me in real time: Workshops



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