Magic Legs

worldmsday May 30, 2022

 Today is both Memorial Day and World MS day.

Some years I have been super motivated to go on video and do an inspirational video.

This year I'm in more of a quiet reflective space.

Despite what some of you may think about my energy on video ( some people love it others sometime think I talk too loud) it's always coming form a place of passion and it does not always come naturally to me, I have my moments just like everyone else where I feel down and need to find ways to lift my energy.

Besides a great exercise workout, one of my favorite ways to get inspired to create meaningful motivational videos is to listen to music or watch underdog or comeback movies.

Nothing is more powerful to me than following a main character or cast of characters chasing after their dreams and persevering despite being met by adversity, setbacks, loss, discouragement, and failures on the way to their destiny (just like my Gymmers).

An all-time favorite underdog movie of both my biz partner Ken...

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