The Power Of WHY

motivation why Jun 14, 2017

The Power of Why:

As a movement practitioner, I love it when my clients become my teachers. One conversation with someone going through the challenge of MS may prompt, lead, or sometimes shove me into examining my practice, my approach, and my connection with my MS warriors. I am constantly seeking out ways my MSers can help me grow as a practitioner, a healer, and a man. Just recently Janice, one of my clients, wanted to meet with me to discuss her progress and our conversation inspired this article.

After six weeks of exercising with me, Janice was still suffering from balance problems at home even though she was excelling during our sessions. I asked her “Janice, how will improving your balance improve the quality of your life? Why do you want to get better?

Janice stared blankly at me for a couple breaths, and then slowly pieced together the following statement, “I dunno, I guess because that is what I’m supposed to do, my doctor recommended exercise, and that’s what my husband and kids want me to do so we can do more together…I haven’t really thought about what my life would be like without it being dictated by my MS symptoms.”

MY Symptoms…Wow! That statement of ownership let me know that she had identified with her MS diagnosis long enough for it to take over her identity. MS was who Janice WAS. She was Janice with MS instead of just Janice.

Have you asked yourself WHY? If I asked YOU right now WHY you want less foot drop, spasticity, or better balance would you have an answer? Have you thought about WHY you want your life back? Have you thought about WHO you want more life with? What is your purpose behind improving?

If don’t know right now, that’s ok. Many people haven’t taken the time to think about that question yet. However, in order to heal and live well, you must find YOUR answer.

Many people who say they want to get better never take action. This inactivity is due to a lack of passion, purpose, or reason behind the desired goal. You must find a reason WHY you want to reduce your MS symptoms and what internal pain you want to get remove. It is easy to go along with “the experts” and say you are exercising to manage your symptoms, slow the progression of MS or to live a better life.

However, these are not your words or your specific, passionate mission of WHY you are fighting back against MS.

Exercise (or any quest for that matter) must have value in your life in order for you to stick with it, love it, enjoy it, and use it to accomplish your goals. Without your WHY, you efforts will be start and stop, you will get “sidetracked,” your results will be slow, and you will could miss out on more opportunities to participate in life.

I realize that MS is extremely difficult to live with and some days are defeating. However, knowing and keeping your purpose and mission in your heart and at the front of your mind will always lead you to victory over your challenges.

Here are some simple questions to ask yourself that will hopefully lead you to discover your WHY behind your healing: 

  • If I had less MS symptoms, what would I do differently with my time/life?
  • If I did not have to think about how my body limits me with foot drop, poor balance, spasticity, weakness, pain or fatigue what physical, professional or personal goals would I set out to accomplish?
  • If I had more energy, felt better about myself, was happier every day, was more productive, or was not limited by my symptoms, how would my time with family and friends be enhanced?
  • How would my life change if I could look in the mirror and be proud of the person I see for not giving up and fighting on despite the exhaustion?
  • Do I want to be a prisoner of my body, my diagnosis, and my current limitations or do I want to do everything in my power to learn and practice how I can use exercise to improve the way my body moves, functions, and lives.

Bottom line: There is no way to teach someone how to commit to anything

CHANGE = Wanting a change + Making a decision to act + Having the discipline to follow through with what it takes to get there even when you don’t want to.

Commit to yourself, believe in yourself, you are more powerful than you know. Like it or not, MS is your opportunity to show discover your power for yourself.

Exercise, move, eat well, and work on growing into the best version of you for YOUR reasons. Let your passion drive your actions and write your victory story. Know what or who you are fighting for and get after it. You can thrive during this challenge.

Trust me, if you are fighting FOR something, if you have a cause and a reason you want to get better, your chances of success will increase 10 fold!

Take some time to sit down alone and ask yourself the above questions. You have the motivation, you have the time, you have what it takes.

You have this.

I’m honored to walk this out with you.



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