WHY you doing this again ?

casestudy victory Aug 02, 2022

( continued from email )

It has been really fun to watch Michael progress through the MS Gym programs, ASK FOR HELP from his fellow MS Gym members and moderator team who have gone through the exercise programs, and APPLY the guidance he received. 

Here is a summary of MICHAEL’S program progression, and his posted questions to the members only corner that led him to success: 


He began his healing journey with the program called BGB BOOT CAMP. This program focuses on improving joint mobility in Key joints needed for movement, deep core strengthening, upper and lower body mobility strength, and neurologic integration in the brain. 



 Phase 2: RECONNECT 

Michael built on his progress using our seated and supine strength training and mobility program designed to re-activate the muscles needed to sit taller, stand up, and walk with restored balance. 



Phase 3: BGB STRONG 

Michael’s series of victories started happening because his brain learned how to apply the movement skills from his first two programs and apply them to a series of new strength, balance, and endurance challenges to really strengthen the kinetic chains needed for WALKING. 


And here are the results: 


As you can see, Michael’s road to victory wasn’t linear.

He had to fight through symptoms, experience some challenges, and struggle a bit to understand how to WORK BEST WITH HIS BODY & NOT AGANST IT. 

Michael’s story is not UNCOMMON in The MS Gym. 

He started out struggling, frustrated, and kinda lost on how his body was going to heal through consistent practice found a connection to his body again. 

He decided to heal, asked the right questions, applied the answers he received, participated in a solid support community, and KEPT HIS EYES AND HEART SET ON HIS GOALS. 

You can do the same regardless of the severity of your MS Symptoms. 

All you have to do is decide it’s your time to heal, commit to doing what it will take to heal, and then taking action to stay consistent on your movement plan. 

You must push through the tough days, ask for help from the right people, and stay focused on WHY you want your life to transform. 

Your time is now. 

Take the first step. 

You can do this. 


PS Not yet an official MS GYM member? Click here to join us


50% Complete

Congratulations! You Just Took A Huge Step In Managing Your MS Spasticity. 

Please fill out your name and best email to below and get instant access to your stretchers to help reduce your spasticity.