Do you want to know the fastest way to reduce spasticity?

Do you want to improve your core strength?

Do you want to improve your balance?

In this MS Gym Movement Lab, we will explore and demonstrate how to use BREATHING to counteract your most disruptive neurologic symptoms.

We will cover three powerful exercises proven to improve the way you breathe.

Once you learn how to breathe CORRECTLY, and start to practice good breathing often, you will notice improvements in your balance, a reduction in spasticity, better sleep, more energy, and improved strength.


 You may also feel improvements in your:

  • Gait
  • Ataxia
  • Spinal stability
  • Vertigo
  • Energy
  • Leg & Core Strength
  • Neck / Back / Hip Pain


Breathing correctly is the #1 way to start counteracting your symptoms TODAY.

We look forward to seeing you in the Lab. 

Monday January 29
1 pm EST, 11 am MTN


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